
The Ombudsman of Spain believes that public authories should, urgently, adress the problem of unwanted solitude in elderly people

The Ombudsman of Spain believes that public authories should, urgently, adress the problem of unwanted solitude in elderly people


Francisco Fernández Marugán, acting Ombudsman of Spain, considers urgent that public authorities address the problem of the unwanted solitude that affects thousands of elderly people in Spain, in his words: “a Social State like ours cannot ignore a group as sensitive as this”.

According to him, a political and social debate needs to be developed concerning this matter, so to drive prevention policies and raise social awareness, as often society is unaware of this drama.

He has expressed so at the closing of the Session on “solitude and unwanted isolation of elderly people”, organised by the Confederación Española de Organizaciones de Mayores (CEOMA), in collaboration with Fundación ONCE and Imserso.
As well, for the Ombudsman an in-depth analysis of the scope of the matter is a priority, as some sources place the figure around one million and a half people affected.

Moreover, he supports the examination of the operating guidelines in social care in order to offer elderly people and their families the support they need, and to try a new model by which elderly people can stay as long as possible in their environment.

Elderly people rights

Over the last years there has been a notable increase in the complaints received at the Ombudsman in relation with elderly people and aging. Most of them have to deal with the implementation of the Dependency Law (Ley de Dependencia) or the quality in the attention they receive at the retirement homes.

“Our goal is for the administration to employ all the means available so to guarantee that the services provided to the elderly are respectful with the basic dignity of all human beings and their fundamental rights”, highlights the Ombudsman.
Thus, most of the interventions of the Institution have relation with matters very relevant to the fundamental rights of elderly people, as can be the involuntary entry of people with cognitive or mental deterioration, the restrictions to freedom of movement, the use of holders and issues regarding the intimacy of the residents at retirement homes.

Contact the Press & Communications Department

Manuel Delgado Martín: Director of Communications

Marta Álvarez-Montalvo, Laura Nuño del Campo


Press: +34 91 319 68 22