
The Ombudsman of Spain receives more than 750 complaints regarding education in the first eight months of the year

The Ombudsman of Spain receives more than 750 complaints regarding education in the first eight months of the year


The acting Ombudsman of Spain, Francisco Fernández Marugán, has received 773 complaints regarding education in the first eight months of the year.

The problems that concern most parents, mothers and students have to do with the situation of school facilities, the number of spots available, the teaching staff of the centers and the provision of complementary services such as transportation or dining. The problems of schooling at an early age and the difficulties in accessing textbooks are also a source of complaint.

At the beginning of the school year, Fernández Marugán wants to reiterate his commitment to inclusive education and advocates for a quality education that guarantees a real equality of opportunities for students.

Asbestos in educational centers

The Institution has received complaints from various parts of Spain in which the presence of asbestos is denounced in elements of the facilities of teaching centers that were built before its use in buildings was prohibited.

Despite the potential danger of this substance, the processing of complaints received has not allowed the Ombudsman to check whether educational administrations have data such as the number of affected centers in each territory, the elements in which this substance is present or the state of it; information that for the Institution is essential to articulate any plan of management and elimination of the asbestos that they are trying to apply.

For this reason, the Ombudsman keeps open an action ex officio with all educational administrations to try to know the number of teaching centers that are affected by this substance and plans for management and elimination of asbestos.


At the beginning of the school year, Fernández Marugán wants to remind all educational administrations of the need to encourage free textbooks and school material to alleviate the economic burden that the acquisition of these products means for families.

A claim that the Institution has been carrying out for years and that some communities have already started up. In the opinion of the Ombudsman, these initiatives should be extended throughout the State.

Inclusive education

The Ombudsman also wants to insist on the importance of adapting the education system to the model of inclusive education.

The Institution has recommended on numerous occasions to the educational administrations to adopt the normative and budgetary measures to ensure that the educational attention of persons with disabilities is carried out in accordance with the principles of the UN convention on the rights of people with disabilities.

Equal education

For Fernández Marugán, equality must also be present in the classrooms. In his opinion, education is fundamental to achieve an inclusive society, without discrimination and to fight against male violence.

For this reason, it advocates to reinforce mandatory sexual education at all educational levels since it is a very powerful tool in the fight against sexism and violent behavior. Children have to learn from a young age that relationships should always be based on respect and freedom.

Contact the Press & Communications Department

Manuel Delgado Martín: Director of Communications

Marta Álvarez-Montalvo, Laura Nuño del Campo


Press: +34 91 319 68 22