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The Defensor del Pueblo welcomes the fact that the UN Security Council has given the victims of terrorism a voice


The Defensor del Pueblo welcomes the joint initiative by Spain and the United States of America that has enabled the victims of terrorism to appear before the United Nations Security Council. On 21 October 2015, the president of the Fundación de Víctimas del Terrorismo, Mari Mar Blanco, and victims of terrorism Jana Gallardo, Tomás Fraga, […]

The Defensor del Pueblo made 1,070 recommendations and suggestions in the first nine months of 2015


The Defensora del Pueblo of Spain, Soledad Becerril, appeared before the Joint Committee for Relations with the Office of the Ombudsman to take stock of the work done in the first nine months of the year and to present the case studies “Tramitación de licencias urbanísticas: procedimientos y duración de los trámites” (Applying for planning permission: […]

The ombudsman presented a case study at the senate on the safety and accessibility of children’s play areas


The Ombudsman of Spain, Soledad Becerril, presented the Joint Committee for relations with the Office of the Ombudsman with the case study “Seguridad y accesibilidad de las áreas de juego infantil” (Safety and accessibility of children’s play areas) at. The study analyses safety in children’s playgrounds and stresses the importance of accessibility in these play […]

The case study ‘Hospital emergency services in the national health system: patients’ rights and guarantees’ was presented to the joint committee


The Ombudsman of Spain, Soledad Becerril, presented the Joint Committee for Relations with the Office of the Ombudsman with the case study “Las urgencias hospitalarias en el Sistema Nacional de Salud: derechos y garantías de los pacientes” (Hospital emergency services in the National Health System: patients’ rights and guarantees) which examines the reality of the […]

Contact the Press & Communications Department

Manuel Delgado Martín: Director of Communications

Marta Álvarez-Montalvo, Laura Nuño del Campo


Press: +34 91 319 68 22